Best sources to get inspired

Ihor Pavlenko
5 min readMay 16, 2020

To create something in our life, whether it is a house or a piece of art or good code, we all need two things: passion and inspiration. Passion is a kind of a vehicle that we use to move on our life path. Sometimes it is like a road sign that leads us in the direction, we have picked long ago. If passion is the vehicle, inspiration is its fuel. Passion ignites the fire in our eyes to do something, to create and develop but inspiration is the wood and the sparkle that creates this fire. It is a life essence that helps us to create, gives us power and ideas for that.

To create a good app or code, a programmer also needs inspiration. It has, probably, showed that way of coding to you and you’ve decided to become a programmer once.

Sometimes that’s pretty hard to get down to work saying nothing about creating something. The reason for it is the lack of inspiration. I had such an awful feeling some time ago and that eventually, inspired me to highlight the best sources to get inspired. I truly hope, you’ll find something for yourself.


This amazing platform gives you a precious opportunity to get some valuable knowledge of the things and fields of expertise that you like. Here you can find either the publication of some famous journalists or newbies’ posts.

Everyone shares personal funny stories, experience, knowledge, and you can get easily inspired by some nice article. You can read different channels or write something yourself. Medium makes you really smarter and be sure, you will truly get more inspired in this platform.


Every one of us likes good and beautiful pictures. They give us various ideas, make our imagination work intensively and eventually we get inspired. For me that works 100%. When I wanna get some idea or I need a bit of inspiration I visit Pinterest. Every pin is a single and at the same time astonishing idea. You can see a great variety of pins related to different topics like technologies, alcohol drinks, sports, food, and so on.

Tell me honestly, when you see a nice pastry, you want to eat it, right? The same thing with work and inspiration for it. When you see a beautiful picture where people create something beautiful, you automatically get the mood to do something great too.


We all know what Reddit is. But this is a real wealth of knowledge and inspiration. There is a ton of various communities for every taste, where you can find humor, experience, and, for sure, inspiration. All you need is to seek in the right community.

YouTube channels

That’s not a secret, YouTube can be a strong inspiration catalyst. There is a mass of channels that give you motivation, inspiration, and make you work a lot harder.

In terms of inspiration for programmers, as for me, the best channels are:

  • The Cherno — where you get some lifestyle and programming content, friendly advice, and useful tips and tricks;
  • Hak5 — a rather interesting and funny channel with a lot of useful content and helpful tricks;
  • Computerphile — an amazing channel that you’re gonna love. Lots of entertainment, essential information, and all this tells a guy with a strong passion for computers. Highly recommended!

If you just wanna get some motivation and inspiration, I’d like to suggest you the channel that I watch too.

  • Robin Sharma — This man teaches leadership, confidence and with all his love, respect, and speeches he encourages you to do great things! To be a winner, to be a warrior, to be a hero — that’s what he teaches people;
  • GaryVee — Damn it, guys! This is a marvelous channel. I needed to watch just one single video of Gary Vaynerchuk to obtain the wildfire in my eyes to create and something happen. This man affects you so much that you will become so powerful to do literally everything! He boosts your motivation and gives you just a ton of inspiration for further work. Believe me, if you watch some of his videos, you won’t stop;
  • Motivation GridThis channel will fire you up with some inspirational words, stories of great people and it will push you “to reach the top of the mountain”.

Films and series

That’s pretty obvious that films and TV series have a huge impact on people. Sometimes people even choose their professions or make big changes after watching some episodes or a movie. Films and series are quite big helpers in the field of inspiration. To be honest, I don’t want to spoil your impressions on the films and serious that I’m going to present here, that’s why I’ll just provide a shortlist of them.


  • Blackhat (2015);
  • Primer (2004);
  • Hackers (1995);
  • Matrix (1999);
  • Sneakers (1992);
  • The Italian Job (1969);
  • Citizenfour (2014);
  • War Games (1983).


  • Abstract: The Art of Design;
  • Mr. Robot;
  • Silicon Valley.

I think that’s a lot to get inspired from. If you are going to watch all those art pieces from the list, trust me, guys, you won’t waste your time, the game is worth the candle.


One of my favorites. Reading about the life of great people gives an enormous charge of energy. You can see and analyze everything that made them great: screw ups, victories, doubts, confidence, and self-belief. That’s damn inspiring!

Reading about great people helps to look at the world through the prism of their eyes. You can understand their way of thinking, their thoughts, and finally, grasp the traits that made them so great. That helps a lot to get more inspiration and great ideas as well.


This variant to get inspired is a favorite of mine. When I meditate I can clear my mind, unload it, and bring my mind and thoughts in order. After meditation, your ability to focus on various things will be as strong as hell.

If you haven’t tried it, I recommend starting doing this. A lot of ideas have stricken me while meditating. All you need is 20 minutes a day. Believe me, the effect will be just shocking! Try it out! You will never regret.


Frankly speaking, there are a lot of other means and sources to get inspired. I described shortly the main ones. Of course, you can also read interesting books, listen to music, chat with creative and positive people, do sports, learn new skills, and read inspirational quotes and speeches. Everything is up to you. The main thing is that you could be happy to create, develop, and build.

Find your own source of inspiration and let passion lead the way.

Wanna read some more? In that case, I would recommend you reading our article “BEST APPS TO USE IF YOU’RE TOO BUSY.” I hope you find it useful too.



Ihor Pavlenko

Project Manager at Privat Bank I Gym Rat | Nintendo gamer